Update: 7/2

So its kidjolt, and I have been working on a lot of things, however, I have realized that I havent been posting on here as often and I have a box of pieces just piling up as I’m making them but I’m not posting. 

I am going to be posting more often as well as doing other things to try and get stuff together and work harder on producing more content. 

Thanks for the patience from everyone, bye!

Update: 6/10

Hi it’s kidjolt and I want to update everyone on current progress.

The instagram account is slowly getting a following. If you haven’t seen that then check it out @tekkarm on instagram same as here. New pieces have been made however, they are currently on hold due to major story posts being released not only today but also in the next few days. The snapchat account will be set up soon and I will post about that was well very soon. Posts have been a bit slow mostly because my phone had recently broke and unfortunately I don’t have the funds to fix it at the moment.

However, with this information I hope you all look forward to reading the new stories that will be posted as well as the new pieces that will be released.


Working on the TekkArm Shop!

So further work on the TekkArm Shop has begun as well as ideas and brainstorming for the different ways to arrange things as well. I know there hasn’t been a TekkArm posted in a while however, this is intentional. I am trying to get a few things up and running that will make the wait worth it!

The shop is available here and the basics are set up at the moment.

Okay, so I know I haven’t been posting as often as I’ve wanted to but the main reason behind this is I have things going on in my personal life at the moment and they take away from the time and effort needed to make consistent posts. 

That being said, I think I will be changing a few things to make posting easier on myself. These changes will be introduced tomorrow and will further simplify the project. 

New Changes to the Blog

Hi its kidjolt and I am going to be making a few changes, some that exist here and some outside of just this blog. The biggest change is the name of the blog. I am changing it from tba-news to TekkArm as I don’t post much to consider this a news blog for my game. Also in the next few days there will be an announcement involving a site set up with a shop in which you can order your own pieces. I will most likely write another text post about it and post it so be sure to look it over and show anyone that might be interested. Last but not least I will be working on pages on other social media to bring more of an audience toward this wonderful game. Hopefully all goes well and things should be done within the next two weeks. 

More posting more often

Hi everyone, just a quick note. In the new few days there will be more posting and this will become the regular amount posted until it’s time to readjust depending on the response to the posting. Also I am working on a new rule set, so although the current rule set is still in effect, the rules will be changing slightly to give a clearer understanding of how the game works and to make it more user friendly. 

Creating New Pieces…

Hi all, its kidjolt here and I’m making the announcement now in case posting starts slowing down that I am creating new pieces and they will be released as soon as I’m done. Also, there are going to be a new set of rules coming out soon that I am going to be play testing that remove more of the complicated elements of the game that seemed unnecessary. Without giving too much away there will be a new type of piece added while a few of the more nuanced strategies will be removed.